
Monday, February 27, 2012

God is Good, All the Time

My Monday posts are stories that I just have to share. Today's is about my amazing God.

You see, my God has done some amazing things in the last couple of days. He has shown His Word to a young girl who decided to put Jesus on in baptism. He has shown His Word and His love through wonderfully capable servants like Dan Winkler and Tom Holland. He has touched hearts and made them turn back to Him. And, as recently as a couple of minutes ago, He's answered my prayers.

I received a call from my sister this morning that my dad had to have emergency surgery to put in five stints because of severe blockages in his heart. That's a scary call to get. My sister said she was going to visit him and that she would let me know immediately after she knew anything else.

When we got off the phone, I knew what I had to do. Not just what I had to do, but what I am oh so privileged to be able to do. Though I was in the car traveling with some people, I was able to pause and pray that my Heavenly Father would take care of my earthly one.

It was not by accident that I titled this post "God is good, all the time". You may be thinking, well of course you say He's good because He answered your prayer. The thing is, God always answers my prayers. Yes, this time it was the answer I wanted, but He always gives me what is best and I am so thankful for that.

My God isn't only good when good things are happening. Yes, great things have been happening all weekend, but that isn't what makes God great. God is good because He loved me and blessed me even when I was a sinner. He loved me enough to send His Son to save me at a time when I was the ugliest. He provides for me when times are hard, comforts me when times are sad, and loves me when others don't, Even in the worst of times in my life, God is there and He is loving me.

While I am beyond thankful to my wonderful Father at this time, I am thankful He's there in the bad times, too. I'm even more thankful that he has provided an eternal home for me that will be free from any pain.

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