
Friday, March 2, 2012

A Date with your Blogging Friend

Here's the deal: since it's Friday I can do whatever I want and I'm choosing to go on a little date with all of you.

First dates can be awkward. If our first date is anything like mine and Robert's first date, there will be uncomfortable silences even though we both knew each other extremely well. I don't want that to happen with us. No, I want us to have mutual conversations, and both benefit from our time together on this Friday evening. What needs to happen is this: we need to have some good old fashioned get to know each other time. I'll go first.

I'm Emily. I've had a blog since, well, since Xanga's and Livejournals were cool. Thankfully I've forgotten the passwords and usernames to all of those accounts, but I'd be extremely embarrassed should they ever be resurrected. I have lots of interests. I love traveling, writing, watching movies, scrapbooking (though I can't for the life of me remember when the last time was that I had a scrapbook), taking pictures, and eating. I love eating. Recently, I stopped drinking Diet Coke (for 8 days, and it might have been one of the dumber decisions of my life). I have decided it is in the best interest of everyone if I drink Diet Coke sometimes, but the IV I had was just a bit much.

I have an amazing husband and I absolutely adore him. When I was little, I thought about what marriage would be like and who I would marry and things like that. I never imagined that it would be as great as it is, or that I would find someone who loves me as much as Robert does. I have loved every single second of our marriage so far, and although we're only 8 months in, I think that's pretty good. It goes to show that when you know someone so thoroughly and completely beforehand, there aren't any bad surprises or scary characteristics to be unearthed.

The biggest part of my life is my Christianity. I take it extremely seriously, though I fail my Lord far more than I want to. Recently, I've changed the way I view things, and instead of wanting to run my own Christianity, I want to give it to God (novel concept, huh?). I may not convert someone that immediately becomes the strongest Christian ever, but if I can have a positive influence and plant that seed in someone that years later comes to fruition, that's what it's all about. I hope to get to heaven and meet a lot of people that were directly or indirectly effected by my life. After all, that's what we're called to do.

In my spare time, I....well, I don't know. I don't have a lot of spare time. I like to be busy. I love being a preacher's wife, because there's always something for us to be doing.

And there you have it. That's pretty much me in a nutshell. And now? Well, now it's your turn. You see, I want to know about you and what you like. What do you like about this blog, what topics do you like, have you checked out all of the features that my blog has? Did you know that at the end of every post, there are three little buttons that you can hit that tell me that you read it and you liked it, didn't like it, or thought it was ok. You don't have to log in to anything in order to do that! Or, you can follow this blog via email so that you get updates when I post. OR, if you have a google account, you can just follow me through that. You can also leave me a comment, telling me a little bit about yourself and what kinds of things interest you, that way I can customize my posts to you.

I'm doing my best to stay positive and excited about the changes to my blog, though I'm sure my old one feels neglected and sad. I'm sure that if you commented, etc. I'd feel much better. Just a thought. =)

Enjoy your Friday everyone! Also, can you believe it's March? Me either. But I'm thankful God has given us more time to serve Him.

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